Yauwana Janam

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Senior Member>>>ஒளி வீசுக..!

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The Lord And The Pyramid ( ..?)

சபை எப்படி ஆதி அப்போஸ்தலர் காலத்தில் நிர்வகிக்கப்பட்டது? சபையின் தலைவர் என்பவர் யார்? ஒரு தலைவரா, பல தலைவர்கள் இருந்தார்களா?

How was the church functioning in the first century? Who were the leaders of the church? Can the church have more than one leader?

//Just how is the operation of the church that we see in the Earth so far removed from the intended function, design and structure as laid out by our Lord in the scripture? What are the consequences for having strayed so far away from the... heavenly plan? Would the Lord really destroy the organizations that bear His name in a lost world?

The Lord began revealing himself to me between 1987 and 1991, He sent me to a particular church in South Florida. There I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and very soon after that, I had my first vision. I was certain that the Lord had sent me to that church, and during my early days there, I felt that it was an almost perfect church with no real flaws. Jesus was about to reveal to me what He thought about it, and the results of that vision still shake up my world and my life.

I was sitting in church meeting on a Sunday morning in a high school auditorium that our church rented for the purpose of holding Sunday meetings. I was in the center of about 600 people, toward the rear, and my pastor was at the pulpit: preaching.

Now, mind you, this was all happening just as it always did, every Sunday. There was no prior warning given to me that anything unusual was about to happen. I was awake and not in vision and then suddenly, the vision started.

First, I saw a pyramid appear over the head of my pastor at an elevation of about fifteen feet. It was hovering in the air over his head.

Next, I saw Jesus appear. He was standing to the left of the pyramid as seen from my vantage point. He was looking kindly and gently toward me.

After that, I saw lines appear on the pyramid and there were names on those lines, very similar to a corporate organization chart. At the top of the pyramid was the name of my pastor. Below that, in the middle of the pyramid were the names of the elders in the church. The names of the deacons were on a line at the base of the pyramid.

Finally, a wooden club suddenly appeared in the hands of Jesus and I recognized that club. For those of you who are familiar with "The Flintstones" comic cartoon, it was identical to the club that was wielded by the "Bam Bam" character in that cartoon.

I looked at Jesus and He looked at me and His countenance began to change. He looked at the pyramid and I could see that He had become upset and very angry. He looked back at me, pointed at the pyramid with the club and said: "I DID NOT BUILD THIS THING".

With that, the Lord Jesus hit the pyramid with all His might, and it exploded into millions of pieces. The vision ended.

I was totally perplexed by the vision. It came before I was aware of any prophetic call on my life. For all I knew, Jesus had sent me into this church and I had expected that it would be the best possible church to be a part of. I had never previously suspected that Jesus might be so angry with His church, let alone ready to destroy it violently. I had thought up to that moment that my church was the very best church in our area and that God was very pleased with us.

I now realize that this was the defining vision of the ministry that I was later to receive, for I have been given the specific mission to explain to the church why Jesus is arising to destroy it.

Stephen L. Bening

வெளியாக்கப்படாத இரகசியம் இல்லையாம்.... பூனைக்குட்டி (கோல்டா ?) லேசா எட்டிப்பார்க்குது... வெளியே துள்ளிவர...இதோ மேற்காணும் கோல்டாவின் கருத்துக்கான தொடுப்பு...

The Lord And The Pyramid



"And the
God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our
Lord Jesus Christbe with you. Amen."

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